School Academic management

A School Academic Management System is a software solution designed to streamline and automate various school functions, including student enrollment, attendance tracking, grade management, and communication between teachers, students, and parents.

Admin System

1.Admin Sections
  • Admission Query
  • Visitor Book
  • Phone Call Log
  • Postal Receive
  • Postal Dispatch
  • Complain
  • Admin Setup
  • Student Certificate
  • Generate Certificate
  • Student ID Card
  • Generate ID Card
  • Optional Subject
  • Section
  • Class
  • Subject
  • Assign Class Teacher
  • Assign Subject
  • Class Room
  • Class Time Setup
  • Class Routine
3.Study Material
  • Upload Content
  • Assignment
  • Syllabus
  • Other Download
  • PDF View
  • Image Preview
  • Video Preview
4.Lesson Plan
  • Lesson
  • Topic
  • Topic OverView
  • Lesson Plan
  • Lesson Plan Overview
  • Can create multiple sections at a time
  • Student Panel
  • Chat Box
  • Invitation
  • Blocked User
  • Setting
  • Pusher or jQuery
  • Can Teacher Chat With Parents
  • Admin Can Chat Without Invitation
  • Can Student Chat With Admin, Accounts
  • Open Chat System
  • Invitation Requirement
  • Can Upload File, Size Limit
  • Can Make Group
  • Teacher Can Pinned Top Message
  • Can Staff or Teacher Ban Student
  • Student Report
  • Guardian Report
  • Student History
  • Student Login Report
  • Fees Statement
  • Balance Fees Report
  • Class Report
  • Class Routine
  • Exam Routine
  • Teacher Class Routine
  • Merit List Report
  • Oneline Exam Report
  • Mark Sheet Report
  • Tabulation Sheet Report
  • Progess Card Report
  • User Log
  • Previous Result
  • Previous Record
7.Front CMS
  • Header Menu Manager
  • Home Page
  • News Heading
  • News Category
  • News List
  • Course Heading
  • Course Details Heading
  • Course Category
  • Course List
  • Testimonial
  • Contact Page
  • Contact Message
  • About Us
  • Social Media
  • Page–Create unlimited pages
  • Footer Widget

Management System

1.Fees collection
  • Fees Group
  • Fees Type
  • Fees Master
  • Collect Fees
  • Search Fees Payment
  • Search Fees Dues
  • Bank Payment
  • Fees Carry Forward
  • Collection Report
  • Monthly Collection Report
  • Account Dashboard
  • Profit
  • Income
  • Expense
  • Search
  • Account List
  • Payment Method
  • Bank Account
  • Payment History
  • Add Book Book List
  • Add Member
  • Member listing & manage
  • Book category/list
  • Issue/Return Book
  • All Issued Book
  • Card issuing
  • Item Category
  • Item List
  • Item Store
  • Supplier
  • Item Receive
  • Item Receive List
  • Item Sell
  • Item Issue
  • Dormitory Rooms
  • Dormitory
  • Room Type
  • Rooms monitoring
  • Student Dormitory Report
6.System Settings
  • General Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Method Settings
  • Role Permission
  • Base Group
  • Base Setup
  • Academic year
  • Session
  • Holiday
  • SMS Settings
  • Weekend
  • Language Settings
  • Backup

Human Resource System

  • Notice Board
  • Send Massage
  • Send Email/Sms
  • Email/Sms
  • Event notice
  • Event Logs
  • Holiday notice
  • Routes
  • Vehicle
  • Assign Vehicle
  • Student Transport Report
  • Schedule/Routine
  • Assign Subject
3.Human Resource
  • Staff Directory
  • Staff Attendence
  • Staff Attendence Report
  • Payroll
  • Payroll Report

Other System

1.Teacher panel

  • Add Homework
  • Evaluation Report
  • Upload Content
  • Assignments
  • Study Material
  • Syllabus
  • Managing students
  • Managing exam marks
  • Managing attendance
2.Parents panel
  • Get children marks
  • Get children payment invoices
  • Get children class routine
  • Messaging with teachers
  • Childs attendance tracking
3.Student panel
  • Get class routine
  • Get exam marks
  • Get attendance status
  • Get study materials
  • Get payment invoices
  • Communicate with teacher
  • Online Exam
  • Marks Grade
  • Exam Time
  • Exam Type
  • Exam Setup
  • Exam Schedule
  • Exam Attendance
  • Mark Register
  • Send Mark by SMS
  • Format Setting